Welcome To Omega3 Consultancy Services

Omega3 Consultancy Services New Concept Is To Change And Give Chance With Dmit And Mid Brain Activation.

In last few years we have come together to spread various nobel and helpful concepts which helps children and  individuals to reveal in-born strengths and also know areas of improvements way before its too late and provides oppurtunity to select Right Education Stream, Career Selection and timely self improvements using various scientific techniques like Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test concept, Mid Brain Activation.

Our Vision

Omega3 Consultancy Services vision is to impact 10 lac child.

  • To take DMIT to the remotest part of world and help to grow child’s future
Our Mission

Omega3 Consultancy Services mission is to impact at least 5 thousand children at 31st march.

To bring an easy affordable profiling tool i.e   DMIT which will help enable to truly know their child’s talent and best learning method, so that we can help them to realize their full potential.


More that Counselling it’s a discussion and suggestion on how to have a better life and how to solve a particular situation in life. Certain mental blocks, fear, or may be simply not thinking out of your box could be the only issue that is keeping you away from your dreams or success. Receiving the apt solutions and tools to enhance your mind’s power and regular practice of the same will help you to build a great future according to your desire. Solutions from your close ones who has vested interest in you could be different from those from an expert who actually views things neutrally as a third party. Anyone who needs to change them towards positivity can opt in for a Counselling

  • Individual Counselling
  • Family Counselling
  • Couple Counselling
  • Premarital Counselling
  • Parent Counselling
  • Student counselling (age 12 +)
  • GarbhSanskar Counselling


Why To Choose Us
  • ISO Certified Company 9001:2015.
  • Our Team is using advance technology.
  • We support company growth model
  • Our Policies for customer are long term and transparent.
  • You will always get support from our expert and professional team members.